馬來西亞來的好友June 手藝高明,她示範這道「娘惹雙層糯米糕」清爽可口,充滿南洋椰風,作法也簡單。



300g 糯米洗淨,浸泡4小時,瀝乾

180ml 椰漿 (coconut cream)


2 片斑蘭葉(pandan leaves)*





4 顆蛋


350ml 椰漿

3 T 麵粉

2 T 斑蘭葉 (用三片斑蘭葉絞碎濾汁;如無新鮮葉,可加二滴人造斑蘭汁代替)


1 片香蕉葉,壓糯米(不沾手)用  



1. 下層: 將糯米、椰漿、鹽拌勻,斑蘭葉鋪在米上,蒸盤入鍋大火蒸熟,約45分鐘;

椰漿入糯米 入鍋大火蒸糯米 CIMG2453


拌鬆米飯 香蕉葉不沾手 蕉葉壓實糯米飯

2. 上層: 將蛋和糖打散,加入椰漿、麵粉、斑蘭葉汁全部攪拌均勻至無顆粒,

打散四個蛋 蛋粉液加椰汁 加入糖、麵粉


過濾粉漿入糯米飯 瀝至粉漿無顆粒 火小才凝脂光滑

3. 待冷,切塊享用

      See full size image



Bottom layer:

300g glutinous rice, washed, soaked for 4 hours and drained

180ml coconut cream

1 tsp salt

2 pieces pandan leaves*


Top layer:

4 eggs

150g sugar

350ml coconut cream

3 Tbsp plain flour

2 Tbsp pandan juice (from 3 pieces of pandan leaves, or 2 drops of pandan essence)


1 piece banana leaf, for pressing the rice.



  1. Bottom layer: Put all ingredients into a steamer tray. Steam at high heat until cooked (about 45 minutes). Discard pandan leaves, fluff up rice and press with banana leaf until very firm.
  2. Top layer: Stir eggs and sugar lightly until sugar dissolved. Add coconut milk, flour, pandan juice and mix well. Strain over the bottom layer. Steam at low heat until set.
  3. Remove and leave to cool before cutting into pieces.


*          *          *          *          *

娘惹是指明、清時期的中國男子與馬來女子通婚後所生的混血兒,女生叫娘惹(Nyonya),男生就叫巴巴(Baba),馬來女子將中菜與當地食材結合後產生了全新的餐點 - 娘惹糕,就是這種文化融合下的甜點,多半都採用馬來西亞的椰漿和華人的米粉來製作。

*Pandan leaves 斑蘭葉也叫香蘭 (http://thaifood.about.com/od/glossary/g/Pandan.htm),亞洲食品店有售,多為冷凍,東南亞飲食常用香料,經常與椰漿一起調製米食。

How to Use Pandan Leaves:  Cut leaves into 1-inch pieces and place in a pot on the stove together with 1/2 cup water (put as many pieces in as will fit). Boil until leaves are soft (some of the water will evaporate), then process water and leaves together in a food processor to create a paste.


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